Eco-Friendly Toys: Keeping Your Kids Safe and the Planet Healthy

Eco-Friendly Toys: Keeping Your Kids Safe and the Planet Healthy

Choosing eco-friendly toys for your child is not just about sustainability—it's also about protecting their health. Sadly, many commercially available toys are made from materials that contain harmful chemicals which can negatively affect your child's development and well-being.

As parents, we want to give our children the best possible start in life, including ensuring they have safe, fun, and engaging toys to play with.

Little Partners toys are loads of fun! Our Wobble Board and Learn 'N Balance Set have a solid reputation for providing hours of playfulness and laughter. And our range of Learning Towers® allows your kiddo to engage in activities at parent height, opening a world of creativity and independence.



But our products are so much more than fun—they are setting standards for what it means to be eco-friendly, protecting your child and the environment.


What Makes a Toy Eco-Friendly? 


The term "eco-friendly" has become increasingly popular as people become more aware of the impact their consumption habits have on the environment. However, the term is often used loosely, and not all products marketed as eco-friendly live up to the claim.

So, what does eco-friendly really mean? And what should you be looking for when shopping for your little one?

When it comes to choosing eco-friendly toys, there are a few factors to consider.

Look for products made from sustainable and biodegradable materials such as wood, cotton, bamboo, and wool. Avoid toys made from plastics, which contain harmful chemicals and often end up in landfills.

At Little Partners, we're not only committed to producing sustainable toys. We also care about the health and safety of your family and are committed to reducing your exposure to harmful environmental toxins.

We are dedicated to this cause and proud to hold the following industry-leading certifications.


Greenguard Gold Certification



The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reports that Americans spend approximately 90% of their time indoors, where the concentrations of pollutants are often 2-5 times higher than typical outdoor measurements. The air we breathe is critical to our health, and that's why our products are Greenguard Gold certified.

The Greenguard Gold certification program screens for over 10,000 harmful volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that can release gases and threaten your well-being. When you purchase a Little Partners product, you can be confident that the air your family is breathing is as clean as possible.


ASTM International Certification



The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) is a non-profit that develops standards for testing and classification of materials. While the headquarters are in the United States, the standards are used worldwide.


All Little Partners products are safety tested to the ASTM standards for each relevant product category. Little Partners is currently represented on the ASTM Board for Montessori towers, helping to develop the safety protocols for the category.


Toxic Substance Control Act (TCSA) Certification 


The EPA requires that products be tested and certified through the TSCA Title VI to meet strict chemical emission standards. All Little Partners products are TSCA certified to assure your family's health and safety.


CARB2 Compliance 


CARB2 Compliance refers to a set of regulations put in place by the California Air Resources Board (CARB) to limit the amount of formaldehyde emissions that can come from composite wood products. Formaldehyde is a toxic chemical that can significantly impact indoor air quality and is officially recognized by the federal government as a known carcinogen.

Little Partners is proud to be CARB2 Compliant, protecting you from harmful formaldehyde emissions.


Commitment to a Sustainable Future


While it's great to see more companies moving toward producing eco-friendly toys, we believe businesses should incorporate a broader commitment to a sustainable future into their eco-friendly policies.

Little Partners is passionate about minding the planet and protecting our environment for future generations to enjoy. We are committed to a sustainable future and work hard to reduce our carbon footprint.


Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC) Certified


The FSC is an international non-profit organization dedicated to promoting responsible forestry. The FSC certification ensures that products are produced from responsibly managed forests that provide environmental, social, and economic benefits.

Little Partners is proud to say that all our products meet the gold standard of ethical production outlined by the FSC.


Arbor Day Foundation Partners



The Arbor Day Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting environmental conservation. The foundation was established in 1972 and has worked to plant millions of trees across the United States and around the world.

Our partnership with the Arbor Day Foundation allows us to plant two trees for every tree we use, helping to lower our carbon footprint and secure a sustainable future.


Little Partners: Caring for Your Family and the Planet 


Choosing eco-friendly toys for your children is not only good for the environment but crucial for their health and well-being. By considering factors such as product materials and company sustainability commitments, you can make informed decisions about the toys you bring into your home.



Little Partners is dedicated to producing products that are healthy for your family and the planet.

Our children deserve the very best, and playtime should be full of creativity and fun—but it should also be safe.

As parents ourselves, we know how important this is, and we're committed to setting standards of excellence for the benefit of your children and generations to come.

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