Waldorf vs Montessori Education: Key Differences Explained

Waldorf vs Montessori Education: Key Differences Explained

Since 1992, Little Partners’ commitment to children’s furniture and toys remains unwavering. Our approach follows Montessori education to help kids learn using an intuitive approach and build fundamental skills along the way.

Montessori and Waldorf schools take different approaches to teaching. And each method has its merits, which are worth exploring. 

View our complete collection of Waldorf vs Montessori education toys and furniture.

Understanding the Difference Between Waldorf and Montessori Education

Early childhood programs offer a jumpstart in a child’s development. The difference between Montessori and Waldorf is in the approach, where one school offers activities that the teacher directs and the other centers around the child’s direction. 

Waldorf vs Montessori school approaches each offer benefits that are understood best by examining the foundation of each.

The Foundations of Waldorf and Montessori Methods

Comparing the Waldorf vs Montessori school methods requires a full assessment of each and an open mind by parents who may want to explore them to find which one works best for their child.

Montessori Method

The Montessori method dates to 20th-century Italy and is what many of our products follow, such as the toddler tower. Maria Montessori found that children excel in the classroom when the emphasis on learning involves:

  • Hands-on learning which allows the child the freedom to learn from errors and mistakes on their own.
  • Development of real-world skills by allowing the child to remain independent and learn in a way that stimulates the eagerness of the individual. 

One of the key differences in deciding to follow Montessori or Waldorf is the way teachers teach pupils. In this method, the job of the educator is to guide and support the child to find ways that each excels.

Individual lessons are the cornerstone of the classroom at younger ages as the teacher aims to learn the learning style that best works for the child. For example, the learner may learn faster in an individual lesson that is hands on and as they age, small group classrooms may be the best option.

At the core of the Montessori Method, at any age, is the facilitation of independent learning on the basis of natural curiosity. In a classroom setting, kids start as early as preschool, while those following the Waldorf Method start in first or second grade. 

Waldorf Method

Waldorf teachers still focus on practical skills, but the focus is put on imaginary play. Structure remains important throughout the child’s education. It’s common for students to remain together for the first eight years of their education.

Classrooms offer a nurturing environment that is functional and warm.

Furniture remains a key component of learning, much like the Montessori approach, and is functional and wooden. Imitation and play are common at younger ages and involve:

  • Baking
  • Gardening
  • Painting 
  • Imagination play

Outdoor playtime is preferred and a limit is put on technology. The reason for this preference is that Waldorf teachers want pupils to explore creativity and even spirituality.

Rudolph Steiner of Austria is the founder of the Waldorf Method, which remains where teachers still play a role in the child’s education. Creativity and imagination take center stage in this methodology. Children may learn math by counting leaves in the forest rather than sitting at a desk learning via paper and pencil.  

Both methods explore the child’s learning preferences in art, science, music, indoor and outdoor activities. Students are often encouraged to take charge of their own education as they age. Sensory awareness and practical life skills are part of each method.

Montessori vs Waldorf Schools

In a classroom setting, Montessori and Waldorf differ in several ways. Use the table below to compare Waldorf and Montessori schools.




Multi-age with three-year span

Same age or multi-age with two-year span

Teaching Method

Child-led. Students learn from working independently with materials.

Teacher-led. Children learn in a community environment.

Learning Structure

Uninterrupted learning for 90-180 minutes with Montessori activities.

Alternates between learning and free play.

Classroom Environment

Uses Montessori learning materials and focuses on specific academic skills.

Uses natural materials that focus on building imagination and will. 

Core Philosophies

Enables children to develop naturally and challenge them in learning.

Focuses on personal development and guiding children through developmental milestones.

How to Choose Between Waldorf and Montessori for Your Child

Although there are many differences between Montessori vs Waldorf education, they both respect children as individuals. This guides both learning philosophies.

When choosing between the two, consider:

  • Your child’s learning style and personality
  • Your goals for your child’s education

Your child may do well learning in a community setting versus working individually. Or the opposite may be true. Use your child’s personality as a guide when making your decision. 

Integrating Educational Philosophies at Home

Making the choice between Montessori vs Waldorf education is an important first step in home learning. 

The next is to:

  • Develop a curriculum that aligns with your chosen philosophy
  • Create a classroom environment that supports your learning method

Both Montessori and Waldorf focus on building learning spaces that encourage natural play and learning.

Little Partners® Solutions for Your Child's Growth

Montessori and Waldorf schools both offer creative classrooms that encourage children to learn through imagination and play.

Little Partners is committed to helping parents support their children on their learning journeys. 

Browse our collection of Montessori furniture today.


What Is The Difference Between Waldorf And Montessori​ Education?

The difference between Waldorf vs Montessori education is:

  • Montessori builds practical and academic skills. There is a set curriculum of subjects.
  • Waldorf focuses on imaginative and artistic learning. There is a set of activities that develop learning.

Which Method Is Better For Toddlers, Waldorf Or Montessori?

Neither is better than the other. Whether Waldorf method vs Montessori is right for a toddler depends on the child. Some students prefer a more structured environment. Others do well in an imaginative-focused classroom.

Can You Combine Waldorf And Montessori Teaching At Home?

Yes, you can combine some aspects of Waldorf and Montessori teaching. But because they are two different philosophies, you will need to pick and choose the aspects to combine carefully. Waldorf’s focus on art and imagination can complement Montessori’s curriculum.

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